Monday, September 1, 2008


Not mush to report as of late. I've been busy organizing everything for the classes that I'm teaching this year. I have been assigned 10th grade U.S. History, 11th grade World History, and 12th grade Modern World History. So hooray for history! I look forward to the challenge of teaching with great anticipation, and the wait is almost over. Thursday is registration and classes begin on Sunday.
Aside from class preparation things have been relatively calm here. Daniel, the returning French SM arrived last night, bringing our ranks to four. Miguel, Bethany, and myself are the other three. I have yet to meet Laura and Eric when they arrive. It looks as though Eric and I are the only Student Missionaries that are actually students. Thus far all of the others have graduated from college already. Oh well, I have no problem being the baby here.
Ramadan started today, which means that the calls to prayer are louder and seemingly more frequent than normal. I have heard that during Ramadan the local drivers are even more impatient and erratic than usual. This doesn't bode well, considering that the other night I was in a minibus that hit a pedestrian. Granted the man was walking in the middle of the road. But I digress...
For those of you who haven't heard, I have my first batch of Egypt photos posted at Picasa Web so check them out. Other than that, I wish you all well and I'll talk at you later.


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